Tree & Shrub Trimming

Tree Trimming In Metro Detroit

Tree trimming is a great alternative to removing a tree. Dana may be able to remove problematic branches from a tree, saving the rest of the tree. Or if you have an unsightly tree on your property, we may be able to give the tree a face lift by shaping the tree into a more ascetically pleasing form. Tree trimming is improving a tree in a targeted and detailed manner in order to increase the health, appearance and safety of the tree. Tree trimming is very common and both an art and science.  The benefits of properly pruned trees include not only improved visual appeal, but increased safety and resistance to storm damage and better defenses against attack by pests and pathogens. Poorly conducted pruning can cause permanent damage, and can hasten the decline or death of a tree.

When you hire Dana know she is licensed, insured, and has decades of tree trimming experience.

Tree Trimming FAQ

How often should my trees be pruned?

A tree should be considered for pruning every 2-5 years, depending on health, location, and growth rate. Consulting with a qualified arborist is the best option.

What is the best time of year to prune? 

Most trees can be pruned almost any time of year. There is a brief period of time in the Spring when tree sap is flowing fastest and the chances of tearing bark on a pruning cut are most likely. Winter is also a great time to prune trees and because it is our slowest time of year, we may be able to offer winter pruning discounts.  American Elm and Oak trees are only recommended to be trimmed in the winter dormant season.

Shrub Trimming

Shrub trimming is a work of art that helps to maintain the beauty of the particular plant and a desirable shape. The technique differs with the shape of a shrub that may be mounding, tree-like or cane. Correctly pruned shrubs experience good growth and health.

Renewal Pruning

Many times a homeowner selects a shrub to plant near the foundation of a home that grows too large for the space The shrub can grow up against the home or cover the window and begins to look out of proportion with the home. Renewal pruning is necessary to cut the shrub back to between 6 and 12 inches tall and bring the plant back within its bounds. Additionally, rejuvenation pruning can help save a shrub that is doing poorly and allow it to sprout back out with new healthy growth.

After these types of severe pruning, sometimes additional expert care is needed to promote a new and healthy shrub. Dana knows which shrubs respond well to these types of pruning and at what time of the year to do so for the best results. Heavily pruned shrubs then need the extra care of water, fertilization and pest control to be successful. We can also determine the new shape of the shrub based on our experience so that you can add a focal point to your landscaping.

Tree Form Shrubs

Many of the most popular shrubs such as yaupon holly, wax myrtle, crape myrtle and wax leaf privet can be pruned into a tree shape. These shrubs usually have only a few vertical trunks to make the process easier. It is best to start forming this shape when a shrub is 1 year old to make it easier on the shrub’s health. We trim the vertical branches back to sustain only one or two vertical trunks and remove the other vertical branches. Removal of lateral branches less than 4 feet from the ground as the shrub grows gives it the tree form.

When to Trim Shrubs

Each species of shrub has a particular time to prune it for the best results. When shrub trimming, the different seasons of the year triggers different responses from the shrubs to the cutting process. New tissue forms rapidly when a shrub is pruned in the late winter or early spring. If your shrub is a spring bloomer, they should be pruned after all the flowers have finished producing. Pruning them too early in the spring will drastically reduce the flowering display in your lawn. Shrubs that bloom in the summer do best when trimming them in the early spring before it buds, or after it has finished blooming in the late summer.

When new tissue forms from pruning it needs time to harden off before winter so as not to kill your shrub with small new growth freezing. It depends on the type of shrub and when cold weather is expected as to when the best shrub trimming time is for you.  Contact us today to get a quote on shrub or tree trimming.